Friday, April 25, 2008

And the Hypocrite award goes to.......

I was wearing the shirt above tonight and a woman spit on me and said that I should believe in god. She spit on me and then stuck her tongue out and did the "thumbs down" at me. I told her "Thank you but I don't believe in imaginary friends. Have a nice evening". She stuck her tongue out at me, gave me the finger, and said "Burn in hell". Mind you, Dante was with me. My baby, my child, my son.

She gets the award.


vegas veggie said...

so when are you going to get to move away from jesusville?

April said...

Wow. And she wonders why you didn't run after her to follow her to church?!?

DJAngieC said...

you have to see this article I read today:
welcome to america, land of the're free to be whatever religion you want, but you MUST pick at least one. No, you are not allowed to pick NONE. Please choose one now. Please choose one now or leave the country immediately. thank you.

Candids by Courtney said...

wow, that was so christian of her!