Saturday, January 8, 2011

Aw, I've Insulted a Conservative. Call the Whaaaambulance

It's official. I've pissed off a Conservative Idiot. I feel so special. This fucktard took the time to send me an email personally. I am sure it cut into their FAUX News/700 Club marathon. But thanks for taking the time. I must be doing something right!

Here's the email:

"I have seen many off your posts online and would like to say that you
have sunk to a new low today.

Someone as smart as you claim to be surely knows what I am talking
about so I won't bore you with specifics.

Your blog is crap as much as the drivel you post elsewhere, hope you
realize that you come off as judgmental, shipload, cowardly, as
uninformed not logical at all.

You were among the first to jump to conclusions about the shooting
today by assigning blame to people you simply disagree with. This is
not smart, noble, or logical, nor does it represent any form of free
thought. Mere parroting the likes of Kos makes you no better than any
basement dwelling lefty zombie."


I think that my only comment is that I find it odd that the words "logic" and "free thought" are being used by someone who believes in sky fairies, who then in turn refers to me as a "zombie". The irony is sickeningly funny.

Anyhoo, thanks for reading and thanks for making me feel so special. I am pissing off the right people!

EDIT: What the hell is "Kos"? And also, I think it is funny that I am being lambasted for jumping to conclusions about a certain individual as to having ties to bags of tea, while very same conservatards think "muslim" and "terrorist" are the same word and who carry around signs linking Stalin, Marx, Castro and Obama together. Check out MORONS WITH SIGNS for, possibly, the email's author's close friends and family.

But again, we're not dealing with the brightest of folks here.


Anonymous said...

I think your emailer is referring to the Daily Kos....

Alessia L. said...

Thanks. I have never heard of it. Going to "google" it now. Appreciate it.

Anonymous said...

Uh grammer spelling ect? Did a 3rd grader write this?
- I have seen many off your posts *of*
- Your blog is crap as much as the drivel you post elsewhere, hope you
realize that you come off as judgmental, shipload, cowardly, as
uninformed not logical at all. *AND is shipload as well is that even an insult or a word?*
- Nothing but lemmings that use every logical fallacy in.. *Disney made up that lemmings thing try using LOGIC and smarts before using a FAKE Disney tale to prove your point*
- Finally, people who claim to be highly educated do so because their
arguments and points are weak and this appeal somehow bolsters their babble or somehow raises it above elementary school level. *run on fragmented sentance that again holds no logic or thought.. nor does it make any sense*