Sunday, June 27, 2010

Mr. Copycat

Dante is 2 weeks shy of being 4 yet you would think he was closer to being 14 instead. Why? Because he's started this *lovely* thing called being a copycat.

Remember when you were a copycat, mimicking everything your mom or dad said and driving them crazy?

Well welcome to my house. SO ANNOYING!!! I will say something like , "Dante please pick up your shoes and put them away" and boom, I hear in a little tiny voice, "Dante please pick up your shoes and put them away".

and the conversation goes as follows:

Me: Dante, stop copying and put them away please!

D: Dante, stop copying and put them away please!

Me: I mean it D!

D: I mean it D!

Me: Hi, my name is Dante and I am a baby and I am so tired that I am going to bed now!

D: Hi my name is Dante and I am a baby..............I'm not a baby, I'm a big boy!

Me: Well then, put your shoes away please.

D: Well then, put your shoes away please.

Me: I give up

D: I give up.

To which I promptly walk away and ignore him.

Driving me nutso I tell you!!!!

1 comment:

Jaque said...

Hahaha!!! And here I am complaining because Edward still isn't speaking any notable words. I guess I should count my blessings!! I'm glad to see you're doing OK, I've been worried, I actually made a mental note to send you a message today just to check.

Good luck, mama! Oh, and, if you have time, send some of that boy mojo my way....I find out what I'm having in a few weeks and I'm really scared it's a girl child....